Thursday, February 26, 2015

FISS Feature Section Newpaper


 The Neighbourhood Role Model

By: Tee Hong Yeh

Today in my neighbourhood, I have interviewed one of my neighbour, who is a very kind, gentle and sweet lady who is named, Mable Wong Yok Kuan. Mable has a family of 4 with her husband and her 2 sons. Her husband is now currently working as a salesman with a salary of RM 3000. Mable here has done many good things in her life like helping people out in various activities, helping the environment and many more.She is now working in the orphanage and her salary currently is RM 1000. She is actually doing this because she has a passion to help the young and old people which is in need and that is why she chose a job like this. It is actually nice knowing that some people actually have the heart to go around to orphanages to help the children out and maybe give them company by playing with them a little.
I have sat down with her and interviewed her for a little while and actually got inspired by her words and I bet anyone else will be inspired too. She have said that she doesn't really care about the money or her salary for her job but she actually only cares about the needed and the poor.
She has also said that she has donated a lot of rice, some old shoes and new shoes (which has never been worn before), some old and torn shirts and many more things. She says when she goes back to the orphanage every time, she feels as happy as a lark as she will be seeing how grateful the children are to the her because of the rice and also she will be seeing children not barefooted any more and that she has been a very kind person to them.
She wants to adopt a child from the orphanage but she can’t because her husband says that it is a bad move as she already has
2 sons and they are still needed to be feed by them, the husband also say that feeding them is already very hard so it is a horrible idea to adopt a child for the moment.Last time her husband was actually having a hard time living with so little money so he was hoping that his wife would find a job. By the time his wife got a job, he was very happy about it but when he found out about the salary he was not grateful about it.
Eventually they started arguing about the economy, because the right thing about the economy is that the petrol fees should be getting lower but in Malaysia it is the opposite so it will be a hard time trying to survive. At last, her husband agreed that she get to keep her job and continue with it. Her son now is already 16 and the other is 18 so they already started working. When they were still small, like when they were 15 or so, they have already started earning some money in shops like Chatime!! Or Starbucks Coffee so that they can help earn money for themselves.Mable told me what was in her mind and it was that she thinks ‘‘One doesn’t live without anyone’s help in this world ’’ as we will need some support while growing up or at work. She says that this quote contains the meaning of what co-operation, teamwork and helpfulness means to her.
She has actually followed this quote since she was small and she has vow that she will try her best and do what she can to help others in need. The meaning behind her doing these good deeds is because she knows that if she does this, people will be grateful for having her around with them.
She has learnt from her experience of work that she shouldn’t take things for granted as there as many of the needy around in this world and since she is able to have 3 meals on the table a day, she should be very grateful to her life.


Woman Gives Food for charity

BY Jaysastrian Haran

          A generous lady who gives her delicious food all around Malaysia to the poor and the orphanage. She makes every single person that have eaten her food smile on their faces. People call it charity, but she calls it her job. She goes around Selangor to some orphanages and she also gives food to any nearby temples for the people who take their time to pray and worship god.           Her name is Mary Shanmugam, many of her friends respect her and are grateful for what she does. They also get inspired by her and they also get interested and want to help people too. She buys groceries that are worth RM200 per week. She works at Sime Darby in Puchong. She normally gives her food to people during the weekends and her husband and children help her in packing the food and reaching places.          She feels really happy to give people her food. She does not worry about spending money on helping the poor because she feels that she is happy with her life and she wants to bring happiness to other people lives. Her speciality is cooking a very famous food in Malaysia called “Nasi Lemak”. She does her own way and it is favoured by many people. People say that the way she cook is special because she puts a lot of love into her cooking.
          She also has challenges when giving her food to the poor, such as time management, food supply, packaging for the food and family. However, she does not give up. She will finish her priorities then she will start her charity. Even if she is really tired, she will always do what she has to do. Many people see her as a role model and an inspirer.

          “We are all humans, if we don’t help each other, then what is the point of having this beautiful place called earth?” Mary said. “I can’t bare to see anyone suffering or are in danger, because if I do, I will do anything to help them.

Mary Shanmugam